Congratulations you found Rain Dr, Inc.
Rain Dr specializes in lawn sprinkler service and repair. Please feel free to navigate this website to learn more about the Rain Dr. My passion is maintaining lawn sprinkler systems. Remember the Rain Dr from your Spring Start Up to your Winterization and everything in between. Do you plan on making changes to your landscaping or adding onto the house? How about building a pool? Contact the Rain Dr before you dig so we can prepare your system for the exciting new changes to your home. It is much smarter to plan ahead than to try and work backwards to locate buried or missing pipes and sprinklers. Ben Franklin said it best..."An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure."
Rain Dr Inc offers the following services
Spring Start Up Service
This is a premium service! I go beyond the normal start up and go service you get from some companies. With the Rain Dr you get a complete inspection of your system to ensure everything is in good working order and adjusted properly.
Sprinkler Repair Service
No matter how careful you are sometimes the lawnmower will eat a sprinkler, a shovel will cut a pipe or some other unforeseen event will damage your sprinkler system. When this happens all you need to do is contact me and I will take care of you.
Sprinkler Winterization Service
Let me help you protect your investment during the cold winter months. Winterize every year as early as you can. When water freezes inside of pipes and sprinklers bad things happen. Remember the Rain Dr every fall for your Sprinkler Winterization.
Hello, I am not blogger as you ca tell. ;-)
Limited Service Availablitly
Due to life circumstances I have accepted a full-time afternoon position that limits my availability. I will do my best… Read More

I finally added the lettering to my van!
My poor van has been running around incognito for almost two years. I finally had the time and energy to… Read More
Spring 2016
Spring 2016 is finally here! Bring on the flowers and the green grass we are ready! Visit our Service Request… Read More

Walter Wnuk
Walter is the owner operator of Rain Dr, Inc.

Ray Ressler - Retired
Ray was our man at the timer. He helped us run through sprinkler systems more efficiently by changing the zones through the timer. Ray is no longer helping us. He is officially retired and "working" at the golf course. Good luck Ray, you are missed!